This photo was taken in Doolin's Beach - The Burren - Ireland in 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

Is it time?
to realize what one has in life?
to say goodbye to a beloved?
to smile for?

Is it time?
to go in an adventure?
to live without measurement?
to believe in second chances?

Is it time?
to love?
to forget?
to move on?

Is it time?
for a brother not turn is back?
for a father not say that he gives up?
for a mother not loose her child?

Is it time?
for the dreams become true?
for us to try?
for the world look around?

Is it time?
the tides are turning...
the sun is shining...
the moon is lightning...
life moves on, without waiting...
Is it time? If not now... then when?

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