"You are a strange little girl..."

The first time I heard this setence from my father, I was 7 years old. When he had caught me listening to classical music, opera, jazz, ethnic or tribal.
I was never the kind of person who would love and hear the same music has her peers...

Today? I am exactly the same person... I hear a little of everything, but these types of music are the ones who make me be what I am and make me complete.

With so many different people around the world, so many different cultures and systems, it still amazes me how music can unify nations. There are no boundaries or frontiers. The power of music really has an effect on everyone.

The sound of a piano... such a balad that touches hearts...
The sound of a guitar... with a passion of a lover...
The sound of a saxophone... with its singular beauty...
The sound of drums... with the pulse of life...
The sound of a flute... with an inocent wisdom...
The sound of pipes... whose magic allow the dream...
The sound of percussion... where dreams become alive...
The sound of a voice... where the real miracle happens...

What is music?
... I could go to a dictionary and just write it down what it says there... The point of the question is... What is music for each one of us... everyone has a different definition of it...

For me... music is life... be alive... heart... dreams... reality... hopes... truth... honesty... love... intention... hurt... hapyness... sadness... wind... sun... sea... waves... animals... trees... rocks... snow... rain...

Everywhere we are there is a a sound... there is music...

If we are in a metro station... we can hear the noise of people walking and talking, the sound of the metro stoping, ringing and speeding again...

If we are in a forest... the sound of the wind touching the trees... what a caress of time and unknown.. the birds flying and singing... a river runing...

In a park... children runing and laughing... happy to be playing with their friends... unaware of dangers and creating their own adventures...

In the top of a mountain... the silence... the solitude... the cry of an eagle... the strengh of the wind...

Someone playing in the street... people stop to listen, others just pass by pretending that they are not hearing anything...

The song of the sea... the beautiful and wonderful beings that live in it... they sing great songs... the song of the waves when they crash with the sand... seaguls, always aware with what is surrounding them...

Music... we can listen music even inside ourselves... music of life...

But I could answer with the best definition and few words, taken from a quotation of a movie, called August Rush, when he says:
"The music is all around us... all you have to do is listen!"

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