It is wonderful how people join together for a cause. It is unbelievable how sometimes people from different cultures have the same beliefs and are united for the same result.

We are social beings, we are not alone. We live in groups, we are part of groups, such as family, friends, co-workers, and we share values, behaviours, etc.

We are also spiritual beings... But not everyone thinks about himself that way. But there are those who are very much counscious about their spirituality. And with this consciousness we start to see the world with other eyes, there are no cultures, no religions, we are all the same. Everyone suffer, everyone has feelings, love, hurt, give, receive, share, etc... Each one of us is the same has the other. That is what is told to us while we grow up, at least in some families, that is what we learn in some schools, we learn to cherish others, respect them and especially accept differences.

It is possible to look at another person and see her like ourselves, a human being. It is what we are, the same... we are part of this whole world... we have this in common, does it stop there? Some may think that yes, others think the opposite.

So why? Why people who is fighting for the same goal start fighting each other? Yes, yes, no one is perfect... Yes, yes, we do not live in a fairy tales... Yes, yes, we think differently... Yes, yes, they were not what I thought they were...
I say... Yes, yes, these are just excuses to an easy way out... to defend something inside us that we think is in danger, we act as an impulse... just to defend our ego.
Why on earth we do that? It is curious... Are there really differences? Or just misunderstanding? Are there really incompatibilities? Or just lack of comprehension? Or lack of trying?

This is a story:
Once upon a time... there was a group of people, from different countries. They were together in a cause, where it didn't matter where they came from, or their religion or culture. Because they were together in something that they believed. They defend one and another... everytime one of them had a problem the other was there, without judging, giving his shoulder, understanding and loving.
This group worked well together. Because they did not care about judgments, expectations or prejudice. Their hearts were high... they knew that no matter where they came from or no matter what they believed, they could work together, they were the same, respecting and loving others.
One day there is a problem in the country of one of them... The person from that country got sad and ashamed with what he saw and what his country did, but he had no action on it. The others acted as if nothing happened...

Another story:
Once upon a time... there were a group of people, from different countries. They were together in a cause, each one of them came from different cultures and religions. They were working together, and they did a great deal out of it! They were a great team, because they believed in what they were working.
One day there is a problem in the country of one of them... So the others start to look at him in his back... evaluating him, if he was like those people, because it was his country after all. They judge him, ignoring the fact that were working with him for a long time now, and he was their pal, someone they trust. They started to be suspicious of him...

We can figure the end of each story... Are they fictional? Have they some reality on it? I think so... it is up to us, once again, to choose how it will be our story... to choose the way we react... It is up to us... And that choice makes all the difference!!!

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