On this day, people tend to stop, even if just for one moment, and think what this day means to them. Many have animals and treat them with respect and love. Others may love/like animals but do not have one with them sharing their lifes. Others, have animals and just do not look at them. And others do not have animals at all.
And so it be...
Why are animals that important? What is the big deal with this day. Honestly??? Nothing and everything!
Nothing, for people that do not care who or what they share their lifes with. Since for many, animals are just meat or entertainment, and those will not think on this day as something to be of an importance or something to cheer about.
Everything, for people who will recognize what animals are in their lifes (not just as food) and for that they will celebrate, respecting and loving, wishing and dreaming, what they mean to them.
On this day I would like to share a though, and idea, a meditation, a dream.
What are animals? What are we? The same and one I would say. The opposite and living appart I would also say.
In my life I always lived with animals, only for a brief periode of time (6 months of my life) I did not live with an animal around me. And for those 6 months I only have to say that they were a bliss and the worst days of all.
We take everything for granted in our lifes. And rarely we think that way, that nothing is fr granted, or if we do, easily we forget. And that is amazing in the human heads. How easily we forget things and live life without thinking on the impact we have in the world around us.
Not with the animals, they do not take their lifes for granted. It is quite the opposite. Everyday they are grateful for what they have, even if it is a very bad condition (unfortunatly), they are patient and kind. They are love in the living form. Is it strange to think about them like this? Maybe so, maybe not..
So here it comes... For some minutes on this day, sit quietly where you can relaxe and not be disturbed.
Think about an animal that you like (domestic or wild one) and then enter in his life. Try to see the world with his eyes, hear with his ears, touch with his body, talk with his mouth, and feel with his heart. Try it for as long as you can.
After, you can write it down in a piece of paper. And put the paper somewhere, and you can read it whenever you want.
It is a simple exercice. It can make you feel something different or not. Is an experience and everyone lives it in different ways and feels it differently too.
It is curious to understand which animal you chose, and what you experienced by being him. It touches in the heart and soul. And it may also make you understand and know things about yourself that you did not know or did not give word or voice to before.
In the end I would also like to say that the animal day is everyday of the year, and it is also our day. We are different and alike, we are one and the same. If you respect them you are respecting your own life and yourself.
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