I have two dreams...
It is usual of a person to imagine how her life will be, or at least how she would like it to be. We have many and many dreams... It is healthy, it is what makes us real... How would it be if we lived without dreaming?
Dreams are an area still unknown to us. It is our subconsious? It is what it will happen some day, like a predition? Something that we are crossing in our live but we dream it as with another meaning? Warnings? Something that already happened that we expected that would end in other way?
I believe that all the above are possible and true... Proofs? I do not have them...
The best thing these days is that you can believe in whatever you want if that makes you happy and healthy.
But going back to the dreams... I have two dreams...
Everyday we try to see how our life will be in the next 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, 30 days, 6 months, 5 years, 15 years and so on. And in all this time we imagine/dream about it in several contexts such as family, love, work, friendships or relationships related.
The point is, our head is allways ahed of what we are doing, trying to predict the outcome of our actions and choices. It was the right choice? Maybe if I had done the other way I would not have lost the bus. Or if I had arrived to work later I would not get the promotion. If I had waited more five minutes I would have reach him. And so on...
In our life we use many times the word IF... IF this... If that... If... It can be an excuse, or a way to run from the reality of circunstances, or just the curiosity of another choice or action. The thing is... IF is an important word, it help us to construct realities and options. It can also destroy us... We walk in a thin line with the IF... and we could stay here hours debating about it and never end with it.
But again... I am runing from the dream... I have two dreams...
It is really great when we dream about something that turn our world upside down, in a good way... when we wake up we feel like if we were the king of the world, and we have this smile on our faces hard to take.
And them we have these dreams that are scary, sad or just unconfortable... they really reach our ego, ideas or feelings. They can crash our head in a way that we do not do anything productive besides thinking about it and what did it meant... These ones are hard to chue...
That makes me wonder again, what if... and here we have an if again... but, what if our daily moods are also based with what we dream? It is proved that we dream during an entire night, and most of the time we do not remember any of it. But what we know is if we have a good dream we wake up in a good mood, and if we have a bad dream we wake up in a terrible mood...
But we do not remember our dreams, it is wise to idealize that if we wake up in a good mood we had a good dream and if we had a bod dream we wake up in a bad mood?
So... here is also something to think about... Makes sense in a way... In the other hand it is completly crazy and with no sense at all... But it is just a thought, just an idea, among many others...
Where was I? Ah right... I have two dreams...
It makes sense in a way... supposedly the sleep is a process of rest, where our subconscious takes over our conscious... our body recovers... what we have learnt during the day will be processed... so on... so why do we wake up with moods? Are actually dreams the cause of it? Of course are not just dreams, but maybe they may be part of it.
But I am out of place again... I have two dreams...
And I do not know which one to follow...
It is hard to decide... Is it possible that I could follow them both? Will the outcome be that different? Will I scatter all?
This is the worst situation... When we have a future IF... If I choose one way... And if I choose the other way... But if I choose one the other will or will not...
Like I was saying... I have two dreams...
Do not have we all???

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
It is usual of a person to imagine how her life will be, or at least how she would like it to be. We have many and many dreams... It is healthy, it is what makes us real... How would it be if we lived without dreaming?
Dreams are an area still unknown to us. It is our subconsious? It is what it will happen some day, like a predition? Something that we are crossing in our live but we dream it as with another meaning? Warnings? Something that already happened that we expected that would end in other way?
I believe that all the above are possible and true... Proofs? I do not have them...
The best thing these days is that you can believe in whatever you want if that makes you happy and healthy.
But going back to the dreams... I have two dreams...
Everyday we try to see how our life will be in the next 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, 30 days, 6 months, 5 years, 15 years and so on. And in all this time we imagine/dream about it in several contexts such as family, love, work, friendships or relationships related.
The point is, our head is allways ahed of what we are doing, trying to predict the outcome of our actions and choices. It was the right choice? Maybe if I had done the other way I would not have lost the bus. Or if I had arrived to work later I would not get the promotion. If I had waited more five minutes I would have reach him. And so on...
In our life we use many times the word IF... IF this... If that... If... It can be an excuse, or a way to run from the reality of circunstances, or just the curiosity of another choice or action. The thing is... IF is an important word, it help us to construct realities and options. It can also destroy us... We walk in a thin line with the IF... and we could stay here hours debating about it and never end with it.
But again... I am runing from the dream... I have two dreams...
It is really great when we dream about something that turn our world upside down, in a good way... when we wake up we feel like if we were the king of the world, and we have this smile on our faces hard to take.
And them we have these dreams that are scary, sad or just unconfortable... they really reach our ego, ideas or feelings. They can crash our head in a way that we do not do anything productive besides thinking about it and what did it meant... These ones are hard to chue...
That makes me wonder again, what if... and here we have an if again... but, what if our daily moods are also based with what we dream? It is proved that we dream during an entire night, and most of the time we do not remember any of it. But what we know is if we have a good dream we wake up in a good mood, and if we have a bad dream we wake up in a terrible mood...
But we do not remember our dreams, it is wise to idealize that if we wake up in a good mood we had a good dream and if we had a bod dream we wake up in a bad mood?
So... here is also something to think about... Makes sense in a way... In the other hand it is completly crazy and with no sense at all... But it is just a thought, just an idea, among many others...
Where was I? Ah right... I have two dreams...
It makes sense in a way... supposedly the sleep is a process of rest, where our subconscious takes over our conscious... our body recovers... what we have learnt during the day will be processed... so on... so why do we wake up with moods? Are actually dreams the cause of it? Of course are not just dreams, but maybe they may be part of it.
But I am out of place again... I have two dreams...
And I do not know which one to follow...
It is hard to decide... Is it possible that I could follow them both? Will the outcome be that different? Will I scatter all?
This is the worst situation... When we have a future IF... If I choose one way... And if I choose the other way... But if I choose one the other will or will not...
Like I was saying... I have two dreams...
Do not have we all???
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
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