Green pastures lost in sight
Blue sky with no end
Clouds are in the mist of the horizon
And I? Just stayed there...
Looking for and not finding
And waited... waited...
Until he came, and sat...
So much love, so much promise
One look said it all
No words were necessary
My breath was lost in the moment
A moment that would last forever
All around us was a prayer
A prayer of love and hope
A prayer of sorrow and remembrance
I close my eyes and took a long breath
When I opened them I was lost...
The pastures were dry
The sky was dark
The clouds were tormented
And you... you were gone...
I stayed there remembering
What one day was and will not ever be
And still I feel you in my dreams
When I am awake you follow me
I hear you in my thoughts
You are my torment and my salvation
Without you I am half
With you I am insane
I should let you go
But the world without your whisper
Is an unimaginable pain...
And here I am again...
Waiting for you to come...
I cannot hear when they say
That you were gone long time ago...
To never return again...

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Halloween/ Samhuinn is coming!!!

Uau... many are the celebrations for this time of the year! A beautiful and wonderful time of  the year! People go out to the streets to celebrate! Celebrate what?

From October 31st until November 2nd, the doors to the otherworld are open! Which means that whatever belief you may have, it is time to celebrate life and death. We all join in prayers for the ones that are not in this physical world anymore. With this time there is a hope of been together again with our loved in the form of celebrations and prayers.

October 31th is the All-Hallows Day
November 1st is the All-Saints Day
November 2nd is the All Souls Day

These three days are an important mark in our history traditions as human beings. It is also said that it is the end of a year to a new year, a time of transition, because it marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter, the end of harvests. The days will begin to be shorter, as we stay more in the warm of our houses than outside.

Let us celebrate life and death. Let us say our last year goodbye to summer and welcome winter.

What can we do then? Besides the streets costumes and celebrations?
- Have a family gathering and realize and appreciate what your family is to you
- Throw away what you think you will not use anymore
- Dance like if no one was looking
- Cook something different and new to you
- Be creative and try to feel what would you like to do differently from what you already do. Just do it!

It is in little things that we are what we are..
It is in actions that we show ourselves
It is in words and actions that we change situations
It is in ideas that we develop
But it is in loving, caring and giving that we change lifes

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I hear the anguish cry of an eagle
a cry full of pain and sorrow
a powerfull farewell to the one she loved

I hear the strong hoofs of a horse
he runs without fear and destiny
courage and freedom he will seek

I hear the magical song of a whale
deep down in the caverns of the ocean
where truth and magic will be found

I hear a seal sing about love and beauty
a world untouched by cruelty and fear
a lost promisse to a hungry heart

I hear the call of a blackbird
who lives in the gateway to the otherworld
an enchanted life to be dreamed

I hear the awareness of an owl
who is the guardian of the night
longing to share wisdom and vision

I hear their unanswered prayer
to a world lost in faith
to a world that forgot how to hear.

In memorial... of a soul who heard...

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This photo was taken in Himmelbjerg, April 2009 by Mafalda Seguro

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There I was, in the middle of a forest... It was dark, the sky was full of stars and the moon was light and full. 

My breath was fast, my eyes wanted to pop up from my face and tears started to fall... You see, I am afraid of the dark, and there I was, in the middle of a forest that I did not know, with all the noises... Noises that I love from the day time and were different now, as if the forest was more alive, more alert and chasing after me...

I ran... Where to go? I had no idea... I did not even remember how I get there... I just wanted to find something or someone that could help me or guide me.

I ran and kept running, but there was nowhere to go... as far I could tell maybe I was going into the heart of the forest instead of finding a way out... But I just ran... and ran... Until I stopped...

I could not run anymore, my heart was poundering and my breath was hard and heavy. Tears kept going... In that moment I could not do more... and tears seemed to calm me down... I took control of my breath, slow and rythmic... 

Then... after I do not know how long I oppened my eyes and looked around... 

I was on my knees... My clothes were ruined with the run and the brambles... My arm was hurting, maybe I hit it while I ran... but I did not remember...

As I looked, shapes started to come to my mind... shadows that moved at the same ritm as my heart... These shadows were hidding in the trees, behind big rocks... where was I? How to find my way?

"You already found it..."
I turned to the sound... where? who?
"Who is there?" I was scared... That is why I always take a light with me... Why could not I find the light? There were sounds... someone was moving... I was not alone...
"WHO IS THERE?" I could not control it... I was in hysteria... The trees were coming close now... or were the shadows? I felt dizzy... I let myself down... If they come they would... There was nothing that I could do now... I could not run, they would come after me...
"You should not be scared... we do not want you harmed"
"Who is there???" Silence again... but I kept asking...
"Who is there?" More silence, except sounds of someone or something moving... "please..." I was so tired and scared... 

I let me cuddle and wrap myself in fetus position... I could do no more... My eyes started to close against my will... sounds I heard and my eyes popped oppen again... Until the tiredness took over me... before I went to sleep I just realized how quiet the forest was... the sounds that I thought terrifying were only the sounds of the trees and the wind... I kept hearing the other sound, of someone there, and it was coming close, but I did not open my eyes... If I could not see it would not be real...

That it is what I thought, but even with my eyes closed I saw him coming... I saw him looking at me... those yellow bright eyes, fixed in mine... they had a question but I did not want to understand it... until I was forced to... and all that was built inside me, all that I had learn, was destroyed with that look... a look that I could not let go... and I felt him again... when he layed down next to me, with his warm body... I was cold... the warm was welcome, but even next to me he was far... I could feel him but we were not touching... I took a deep breath and went against his body... only then I let myself open my eyes... He was beautifull... The exaustion took over me and I soon fell asleep... With the warm body in this cold night next to me...

When I woke up in the early morning, the sun had rise not long before... I was still warm... and I was still in the forest... but when I got up I saw no sign of the phanter...

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I have two dreams...

It is usual of a person to imagine how her life will be, or at least how she would like it to be. We have many and many dreams... It is healthy, it is what makes us real... How would it be if we lived without dreaming?

Dreams are an area still unknown to us. It is our subconsious? It is what it will happen some day, like a predition? Something that we are crossing in our live but we dream it as with another meaning? Warnings?  Something that already happened that we expected that would end in other way?
I believe that all the above are possible and true... Proofs? I do not have them...
The best thing these days is that you can believe in whatever you want if that makes you happy and healthy.

But going back to the dreams... I have two dreams...
Everyday we try to see how our life will be in the next 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, 30 days, 6 months, 5 years, 15 years and so on. And in all this time we imagine/dream about it in several contexts such as family, love, work, friendships or relationships related.
The point is, our head is allways ahed of what we are doing, trying to predict the outcome of our actions and choices. It was the right choice? Maybe if I had done the other way I would not have lost the bus. Or if I had arrived to work later I would not get the promotion. If I had waited more five minutes I would have reach him. And so on...
In our life we use many times the word IF... IF this... If that... If... It can be an excuse, or a way to run from the reality of circunstances, or just the curiosity of another choice or action. The thing is... IF is an important word, it help us to construct realities and options. It can also destroy us... We walk in a thin line with the IF... and we could stay here hours debating about it and never end with it.

But again... I am runing from the dream... I have two dreams...
It is really great when we dream about something that turn our world upside down, in a good way... when we wake up we feel like if we were the king of the world, and we have this smile on our faces hard to take.
And them we have these dreams that are scary, sad or just unconfortable... they really reach our ego, ideas or feelings. They can crash our head in a way that we do not do anything productive besides thinking about it and what did it meant... These ones are hard to chue...
That makes me wonder again, what if... and here we have an if again... but, what if our daily moods are also based with what we dream? It is proved that we dream during an entire night, and most of the time we do not remember any of it. But what we know is if we have a good dream we wake up in a good mood, and if we have a bad dream we wake up in a terrible mood...
But we do not remember our dreams, it is wise to idealize that if we wake up in a good mood we had a good dream and if we had a bod dream we wake up in a bad mood?
So... here is also something to think about... Makes sense in a way... In the other hand it is completly crazy and with no sense at all... But it is just a thought, just an idea, among many others...

Where was I? Ah right... I have two dreams...
It makes sense in a way... supposedly the sleep is a process of rest, where our subconscious takes over our conscious... our body recovers... what we have learnt during the day will be processed... so on... so why do we wake up with moods? Are actually dreams the cause of it? Of course are not just dreams, but maybe they may be part of it.

But I am out of place again... I have two dreams...
And I do not know which one to follow...
It is hard to decide... Is it possible that I could follow them both? Will the outcome be that different? Will I scatter all?
This is the worst situation... When we have a future IF... If I choose one way... And if I choose the other way... But if I choose one the other will or will not...

Like I was saying... I have two dreams...
Do not have we all???

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This video was taken from the following website:
 Watch it, enjoy it, feel it and be aware of your inner reactions and changes...
When you experience Planet Earth, the positive vibration of your energy will emanate out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you. From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home.
The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.

Our Mother Earth matters... besides that, you are part of it!
A son goes back to his mother womb
there he is received with much clamor
he is a beloved son returning home
a home that will allways be for him

The leaves are falling from the trees
the winter is coming, with white cold
great springs will follow with joy and colors
and a summer light of eternal rest

The beauty of a tree when in the beggining
will be the same in the forgetting shadow
a history will remain in the pure hearts
of those who stayed to remember

Hug him, caress him, love him
some day thy also will part
and when thy arrive a blossom will come
for the same circle again shall start

Mother earth so painfully suffers
for every children that has to embrace
for there thy will grow and learn to love
until the day of a new clean rebirth

Her soil is the most pure of nectars and light
her roots are the nutring spirit and love
the trunk the strenght and will shall be
when the beauty for the banches and leafs remains!

In memorial... for those who crossed to summerland... 

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It is in understanding others without critics and in true forgiveness others that we start to have a better relationship with ourselves... otherwise we live in a world of unmeasured confrontation and fight!

Living like this is like being in a dark bubble... where you can look but actually never see...

Once someone said to me... "Behaviour creates more behaviour..."

We can direct it to whatever we want: War creats more war; Rage creates more rage; Love creates more love...

Wise words?

This photo was taken in Skagen, September 2009 by Mafalda Seguro

Walking in bare feet between seas of time I wonder... How many did the same? Did they felt like I am feeling? That mother earth is all around, protecting us in her womb, such a protector of their children... Many walked the same path, and even if we have distance of time with them, I believe that we were much a like... We all felt the same... in our bare feet...
It is cold, my feet are frozen... but I keep walking, until I reach it! My destiny... It is such a happyness... there is an entire harmony between the elements, and I am there, in body and spirit, just giving and receiving...
These times of wonder make me have hope... feel loved... belonged... The sun is shining, my feet are not cold anymore, my heart is full and all around me is enough!

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Today, after I talked with several people and also because it happened with me, it was a bad day...

How can we deal with something like this when we do not even realize it until it hits us? I know one thing... my experience, my way of dealing... There are many other ways and ideas. Get out of the bed, go to work, but you are not there... You are definitly not there... Your head is somewhere else, and your humor is not the best at the moment... Well sounds terrible... Actually it is terrible... But... there is allways a "but"... but raise yourself. Good advice, some can say, others will think that is not news...
That is the point, it is a good advice and it is news, because there are more people that do not know what to do to change and how, that we can imagine!

Is that a problem? It is... When you spend most of your time to yourself, sad and thinking that life is a mess! It is a mess, but a good mess if we can see it and take some advantage...
Well, and I am talking by experience because lately my life is not been easy, at least in my head... Our heads... Uau... we could talk about it for long and long time, but in the end, there is only a simple thing to do...
Most will do nothing, I have been there, done that... Others will react, also been there, done that... Some will stop and think what is wrong, and again, been there, done that... Few will try to see a patern... And here is when and where changes take place...

Is not a potion, not even a trick... Just try to get out of your body and see your life in that perspective... What are you doing? Is it good for you? What are your feelings? How did you end up there? And so on... Million of questions can be done... the point is: can you get an answer? Can you actually try to get out of your usually perspective and see it from another one? You do? Then you have your answer... that takes you to other question, an important one... "What can you do to change it?"
Basically it is simple... well... not exactly... It is not hard to see our life from another perspective. The hard thing is really identify what is wrong in it... And the hardest one is change it!

Well if we can actually identify what is wrong is already a good start... but not allways the solution is the easiest one! Sometimes the solution takes us to a road that we do not expect and that we do not know where it will lead us! And again... the solution is there... is up to us to take the chance of leaping! To really understand what can be done to achieve it... even if it take weeks, months or years, but there is a goal... "But it is already what we do... " some may say... is it really? Maybe I have been talking with few people then... or maybe talking with the wrong people... but who in these days is actually following their path, dreams, goals,... whatever you may call it? Or in a good life situation? Nothing is perfect... and depends on what changes we are questioning! So whatever it is that is not working, making you sad and depressed, making you feel that you are not worth it... Well... sorry to say this, but just wake up... Life is to short, and this setence is definitly a cliché... Is up to us to decide if we are living it or just surviving it!
Is not easy... but what is? Especially if we are talking about our own lives... it is easy when we talk on the other ones lives... what I sugest here is look to your own life... Is it great? Good? More good than depressed? Depressed but good? Just depressed? Lost? Well... like I said before... it depends on what we are talking about, in which facet among so many facets of our life we are dealing here... But do you have the courage to identify and change it?

I hope so...

This photo was taken in Doolin's Beach - The Burren - Ireland in 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

Is it time?
to realize what one has in life?
to say goodbye to a beloved?
to smile for?

Is it time?
to go in an adventure?
to live without measurement?
to believe in second chances?

Is it time?
to love?
to forget?
to move on?

Is it time?
for a brother not turn is back?
for a father not say that he gives up?
for a mother not loose her child?

Is it time?
for the dreams become true?
for us to try?
for the world look around?

Is it time?
the tides are turning...
the sun is shining...
the moon is lightning...
life moves on, without waiting...
Is it time? If not now... then when?

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I feel like talking about a friend... I mean, some friends, but my best friend, really best friend is nothing more than a book, or books. :-)

There are these rare moments that we do not have anything to read, and it is like if life was miserable. at least for people who are used to read. For me it is, I have to take a book with me even when I go to a bar or similar. Of course my back is not healthy in the moment, but if I start to think about  it they never were, so I do not believe is my bag weight.

So, basically I have a book with me to whatever I am doing or wherever I am.
I thought that it could be good to share some books readings here, maybe someone could be interested in.

My list for this month is big, I allways have three or four constant books in my bed table that I use to pick up and read just for research and then I have the other books that I choose to read during the month, some I read already, others are still waiting to be picked up!

Book List:
  • The White Mare by Jules Watson
  • The Dawn Stag by Jules Watson
  •  Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
  •  Chosen by a Horse by Susan Richards
  • If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern
I read The White Mare, and I love it, it is really terrific, here is a sypnosis taken from Jules Watson's website (
The White Mare is the first novel in an epic trilogy spanning three centuries, which vividly recreates Celtic Britain at the time of the Roman invasion: a land of visions and dreams, bloodshed and brutal death.
AD 79 and Agricola, the ruthless governor of Roman Britain, is turning his attentions to the last unconquered territory in Britain - Alba, Scotland. Rhiann is a courageous and beautiful Scottish princess and priestess scarred by her violent past. Of noble blood, she faces what for her is the ultimate sacrifice - a forced marriage - to protect the freedom of her people.
Eremon is an enigmatic Irish prince, an exile, who must seek an alliance elsewhere to regain his throne. Will he prove himself the man who can unite the squabbling Celtic tribes against the more ominous threat of Rome?
With war and chaos looming for her people, Rhiann finds herself drawn into an unexpected journey of the spirit and heart, which will reveal the true purpose of her life.
I am currently reading The Dawn Stag, but I am taking some time with it, not because I do not like it, quite the opposite, the book is as good as the first one. A sypnose of the book, also taken from Jules Watson's website:
AD 81, Scotland. The prospect of a peaceful and free future for Alba is threatened as Agricola, the governor of Roman Britain, plans an invasion of the north.
Rhiann is an Alban priestess and princess who submitted to a political marriage to Eremon, an exiled Irish prince. Out of duty, grew love - a powerful and desperate love that will bind them together through conflict and betrayal. Now in them lies the hope of a nation. For there is a new Emperor in Rome, Domitian, and he has commanded that Agricola crush the troublesome realm. Agricola's army is formidable - brilliantly armed and heavily supported. To the people of Alba it is a wall of steel and fire advancing across their homeland, bringing with it desolation.
The predestined day draws near: the armies of Alba and Rome will meet in an epic battle to decide the fate of a country. Rhiann searches for guidance in the spirit world, little realizing how big a part she will play in this endgame.
Eremon knows only that he must risk - and sacrifice - many lives, perhaps even his own.

I just ordered from Amazon, the last one by Juliet Marillier, and I am really excited to start reading soon, maybe I will receive it tuesday or wednesday, and I will not sleep until I read it until the end... :-)

Heart's Blood sypnoses from Juliet Marillier's website (
A haunted forest. A cursed castle. A girl running from her past and a man who’s more than he seems to be. A tale of love, betrayal and redemption…
Whistling Tor is a place of secrets, a mysterious wooded hill housing the crumbling fortress of a chieftain whose name is spoken throughout the district in tones of revulsion and bitterness. A curse lies over Anluan’s family and his people; the woods hold a perilous force whose every whisper threatens doom.
And yet the derelict fortress is a safe haven for Caitrin, the troubled young scribe who is fleeing her own demons. Despite Anluan’s tempers and the mysterious secrets housed in the dark corridors, this long-feared place provides the refuge she so desperately needs.
As time passes, Caitrin learns there is more to the broken young man and his unusual household than she realised. It may be only through her love and determination that the curse can be lifted and Anluan and his people set free...

Well, that is it for now! Hope you may read one of these books.

Even if we do not see beyond what our eyes can, it does not mean that nothing more exists...
There is an entire world to be discovered!

This photo was taken in the Cliffs of Moher - Ireland 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

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Snowy Owl, taken by Mafalda Seguro, 2009

What lies beneath a look?
What lies beneath the eyes?
Probably just a owl...
Some would see eyes...
Others will see dreams...
Misteries some will find
Otherworld lessons one will learn
Two may find beauty
Or a triad may be

Behind eyes
Another world is to discover
Will a wise man look inside?
Or a foolish may find...

Behind eyes
Soul is the key
Spirit would be an idea
Body it is

Behind eyes
Sorrow and joy
Happy and sad
Life and death

Behind eyes

Maybe all was said
Maybe nothing it is
Hidden truth will be
Behind eyes

Mafalda Seguro

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I was walking in the forest in a foggy day. Despite foggy, the weather was pleasant, it was not too cold, and it was a good day for a walk. That forest touched me more than any other place. I began to walk along a river bank, and the colors ... ah the colors ... were wonderful, all kinds of green, yellow, brown, especially with the fall coming. The day was coming to an end, so the shadows were beginning to take over the place. Still, a few rays of sunlight could penetrate the clouds and when they touched the trees their involvement was magical and impressive.
In the distance, every now and then, I heard a crow or other bird, that were preparing themselves for the night to come. Moreover I only listened to the waters of a small stream running into the sea or the trees been wrapped, as happy to receive the last rays of the sun.
I felt protected there. It was my magical place, where I felt happy and welcomed when I needed to be alone. I knew the forest and I knew that I had not much more than half an hour to turn back and go home because the night would come soon. Then I stopped and sat by the creek, and just let me stay there contemplating the harmony of sounds that crisscrossed each other.
I was thinking about my daily routine and started thinking about what I would do in the next day. However the sounds began to take over me and slowly I could only perceive my own breath, just enjoying the moment. These were rare moments when I could finally feel grounded and feel what was surrounding me. I could even hear the drum beat of the earth, it was a magnificent sound.
I was so focused on the drums when I heard someone singing. I turned myself to the sound a little upset because it broke my concentration, but did not see anyone. I continued to hear the sound but saw no one where the sound was supposed to come from. The sound became louder as if it was just a few steps away from me, but when I looked I only saw brambles and blackberries, which hugged a tree who fell towards the creek.
Gradually, over the sound of someone singing, I heard sounds coming from the brambles, as if some animal was there. I approached the brambles so the animal would go away and I could continue listening to the sound of that clear voice. A song That was taking me to the center of myself, as if it was awakening something primitive in me.
As I approached, I heard a scream, when I looked in the direction of my feet I saw a little being in a shape of a man with his hands on his mouth. He looked like a gnome. The berries that he had been catching were now scattered in the middle of the floor. I lowered myself stunned, not knowing if I was having a daydream or if I was having any kind of vision. I touched the little basket that had fallen.  It looked like a toy basket because it was really small. However, it looked like it was manufactured by the best craftsman. The gnome was scared as I was picking the blackberries back to the basket. When I finished, I pointed him the basket:
"There you go!"
Slowly he took his hands from his mouth and held out his arms to the side with the palms facing in my direction, his expression was still dazed.
"You can see me? How?"
I smile at him and said:
"Probably you are part of my dream… If so, I do not want to wake up so quickly! There is a long time since I saw someone like you"
"Have you seen more like me? How? When" He really looked surprised.
"I did… A long time ago… I was younger.  The last time I was 10 years old… I thought it was a dream, or just my imagination, but why am I seeing you now"
"I cannot talk to you! It is forbidden… we cannot show ourselves, and normally you do not see us anyway"
"So this is not a dream?"
"No… Yes… I have to go before I say something that I should not! I do not know what can be said or not, this has never happened… at least the last time was many years ago, long before my grandfather was born… it is just a story… ops… I have to go"
And he began to move away.
"Wait! Do not go, please! Why is it forbidden? What is your name" And he stopped, pondering... after some moments he answered.
"If I tell you my name, I will be linked to you! That means that you will know everything about me... about yourself... but I am not allow to do so, because you are not prepared yet! We normally speak and appear to children yes… but never to an adult"
"But why? I was suspicious that you existed… but I stopped seeing you… You have never played with me anymore" I felt like a child asking my best friend why he did not want to play with me anymore... but images from the past were rushing in my head!
"No… we did not stop playing with you… you just forgot about us, that we existed! You grew up and with that all your openess and purity slowly became weak until they disappear. Then you only believed in what was in front of your eyes and not what it was already part of you… you just forgot…"
"So… Why can I see you now"
"I do not know! Maybe you want to remember... I cannot explain it… I have to go now… I said already more than I should have!"
He grabbed the basket and ran away from me. I stopped seeing him soon he went into the bushes and, soon after, I stopped hearing him also. When I looked around it was night. I had to go home… and so it was. I turned away from the stream, but first I thanked for this small gift. Was it a dream, a vision or reality, it had awakened something inside me, which I thought I had lost long time ago.
From that day my life started to change, little things. I stopped been so depressed and really began having a different relationship with my children. I allowed myself to let them show me how it was to be a child again. I never saw the gnome again, even going every week to the forest since that day now. My kids go with me now, and I am teaching them some things that I thought I had forgotten, how I liked to create stories. I taught them also how to observe and respect what was around them, such as trees, animals, the creek, the course of life and how everything is part of us, that all is connected. I also told them that we have to try not to forget, since we tend to do it, to forget this little and important aspects of our lives.
I did not tell them about the gnome, there was no need, and probably they would not believe me anyway. Two years after I saw him, my life was completely different. I was working on something that I liked and believed: writing.  My relationship with my family improved by the day, especially with my kids, who, before,  only saw me once a week, as I always arrived home after they go to bed and because of that I hardly knew them. I started to look at myself  and slowly I rediscovered who I was and what I should really appreciate.
Last week I was on my way home, from a walk in the forest, with my children and my youngest touches my shoulder. I looked at him from the rearview mirror; he smiles at me and says:
"Father… Ruhin asked me to tell you that you already know! He said that you would understand this when you hear it… What does that mean?"
My eyes were filled with tears and I let one out and run through my face… I did not answer my son, it was a rhetorical question. And even if it was not, he would understand it one day… but not today! Today was a day that I was touched. What I did not realize until then was that I was touched two years ago, but only now I could understand the whole of that day. I knew that name already. I just did not want to remember it… I did not want to remember who I was...

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 Ginkgo Biloba, taken by Mafalda Seguro, 2009

I am not sure what is it expected of me to write in here! I know for sure, that will be thoughs, pictures, ideas, and more. But why is that relevant for others? I am not sure about that either..

Life is beautiful and misterious in many ways..
Most of the time, when someone in a conversation says this, we can see a lot of people rolling their eyes, others smile,others just nod, others are stuck in some kind of thoughs, others say something to break the ice of a conversation that no one wants to have and others just do not care about what was said. In a certain way people are afraid to say what they care and value about life. Not about travelling, not about having a car or a house, or even been promoted, not about material things. But actually realize what are next to them, in the form of love for and/or of other people, friendship, happyness, sadness, basically feelings. Did anyone stopped once in a while just to think about this? Or just roll their eyes? It is just a phrase? But even words mean something, and even words bring something to life inside of us when we hear them.. What do you actually feel when you hear this? It is just a phrase, thought, belief, lie, way of live.. it has different meanings for many people! And the true one lies in each one of us! In the end everyone stops to think about this meaningful words, but then.. why do we tend to run or avoid feelings?
Are people afraid of feelings, did we became robots to the point that certain words or acts are seen as out of normal. What is it normal? What is not?
Life is beautiful and misterious in many ways... What can help you may be just at one hand next to you.. in the form of another person, a walk in the park, cuddling an animal, give another opportunity to someone or situation, take a risk, face fears, and we could go on and on.. What is it thak is stucking you? What can you do so you can say with true meaning that life is beautiful and misterious in many ways?
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