The longest night of the year is coming... Night is beautiful and misterious... Every secret kept is sacred, as all little and big beings that show themselves during this time of the day... imagination... dream... ilusion... reality... but, if it is so, why the heart races that way? Is not fear... is not antecipation... is something assumed, recognized and something that we do not know how to name...

Whatever it is, is not harmfull... it watches and in a way protects...

This is a great time of the year to recognize what we fear and what worry us... after that we can work on it so the energy can be changed and transformed in something positive as a solution, a different perspective on the problem or something else... And that way the light can shine again!

The night... Oh the night... The one that is fearless... and the one that is also misterious and enchanted... How would be the light without the darkness? How would be our lives without adversities that can chalenge us to develop ourselves?

That is what this time of the year symbolizes! The darkest night, and the return of the light! Our lives can also be described like the wheel of the year...

Blessings of Alban Arthan to everyone!!!
Sleep now... Sleep and have sweet and wonderfull dreams... where you run through a world of peace and love... where your children can learn what was lost and now was refound, and be happy and play as children should play, outside, where dangers are not aloud and do not exist...
Sleep... and that your dream can embrace a pure state of harmony... where you live in a world built of love...
Sleep... and when you wake up, do not forget it... and make it real! 
Our mind is powerful... our dreams are another reality, a possible reality of what can be and what could be... our actions can change a lifetime... and we... we are... all!
How to keep us all safe


I just joined over 11 million people in the world's largest-ever campaign to keep us all safe.

There has never been a more important time to add your name - our message is being delivered to leaders at the Copenhagen climate summit later this week.

Please add your voice now at


With three days to go, the crucial Copenhagen summit is failing.

Tomorrow, the world's leaders arrive for an unprecedented 60 hours of direct negotiations. Experts agree that without a tidal wave of public pressure for a deal, the summit will not stop catastrophic global warming of 2 degrees.

Click below to sign the petition for a real deal in Copenhagen -- the campaign already has a staggering 10 million supporters - let's make it the largest petition in history in the next 72 hours! Every single name is actually being read out at the summit -- sign on at the link below and forward this email to everyone!

An Avaaz team is meeting daily with negotiators inside the summit who will organize a spectacular petition delivery to world leaders as they arrive, building a giant wall of boxes of names and reading out the names of every person who signs. With the largest petition in history, leaders will have no doubt that the whole world is watching.

Millions watched the Avaaz vigil inside the summit on TV yesterday, where Archbishop Desmond Tutu told hundreds of delegates and assembled children:

“We marched in Berlin, and the wall fell.
"We marched for South Africa, and apartheid fell.
"We marched at Copenhagen -- and we WILL get a Real Deal.”

Copenhagen is seeking the biggest mandate in history to stop the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. History will be made in the next few days. How will our children remember this moment? Let's tell them we did all we could.

With hope,

Ricken, Alice, Ben, Paul, Luis, Iain, Veronique, Graziela, Pascal, Paula, Benjamin, Raj, Raluca, Taren, David, Josh and the whole Avaaz team.

Tonight I could not sleep... My cat was playing at the window trying to catch snow flakes from outside. She did some noise against the window, but mostly I could not sleep because I was watching the snow...
Snow fell for hours, at least for 7 hours. Outside everything was quiet except the constant white coming down starting to paint wherever it touched. I could feel the earth receiving the snow... such pure caress and solitude, cleaning all the bad dreams and feelings and leaving the feeling of peace and quiet, harmony and tenderness.
In the morning while I made my way to the bus stop, in every step I made my feet were under snow...  Waiting for the bus, I was smilling... the rest of the people were with their normal faces like if it was really boring to have snow all around them... Can not they feel the beauty of it? The wonder of the first snow of the season?

How often can people say that they are thinking about something when their head is blank? Is that even possible or is just with me?

In these moments where I am in one place and suddenly I am in another, without been in a dream. It is amazing how life can be so multifaceted and multidimensional. It makes me wonder if it is all a dream, reality, otherworld, illusion, or any kind of craziness. I think it is a little of all, and we just have to shake them together and we have a really juicy life, even if not visible in everyone’s eyes.

Creativity may be the word or is just another perspective of the reality. Who knows???
The body shakes it self with much strength... The eyes fill with tears ready to come out... The breath is hard and painfull... The fear takes over and controls everything!

Close eyes... light is coming... let  it in... Green pastures are ahead... Trees will shelter who seeks... In the lake lies the path... Breath once... the water is a crystal blue... cold and pure... Breath twice... body is under the water... cleaning ad healing... nurturing and growing... Breath three times... a song under starts rising in the body... light fills it and loves it... come out of the water and feel the sun in the body... look to the body and see that it sparks and shines... it is not body... is the spirit in all things that lives in us and in everything around us!

Give, ask, share and be light! Life turns to be cherished and loved!

In the woods from my past I see the shadows
Looking to the trees in the dark they seem diferent
At the door I wait until no one is looking
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
Courageous I go, but terrified I cannot see it
My body shakes with strong strikes
My head hurts and my heart drums trying to get free
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I hear whisperers in my ear
They want me to believe that I cannot follow
That I will never be worth it and will fail...
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I ran now, and do not look back
the darkness is all around me
swallowing my deepest wishes and dreams
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
"Can you see it now?" a voice in my head says
far far away I see a light, so weak that it seems an ilusion
I will follow it, with the rest of my strenght
I fell many times and the light fails...
I can still see it but the distance is impossible to  trace
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I stand and look around
I am alone... even the voice was gone...
I will surrender to the emptiness of my being...
or continue running until I get lost and mad...
They all abandon me... Or it was me that turn away?
In the woods of my past I stand...
I look inside myself and see it
I can see the weakness and fails...
I can see the fear and desolation...
I can see shadows and loneliness...
And deep down I can see that there is more to be seen
I look inside myself and see it again
In the woods od my past I learn...
I can see love and friendship...
I can see courage and strenght...
I can see dreams and wishes...
I can see caring and purpose...
I can see wisdom and history..
I can see forgiveness and tenderness...
A girl stands there... with her back on me...
The sun is shining and the sky is clear...
birds sing around us and the water has a healing sound
She stands near the lake, where she is looking to the water
Such a mirror showing her stories... my story...
Her white dress only has a little blue ribon around her waist
The flower colar in her head was given by the hearth ones
One step and another and I am right next to her
She is not strange to me... I have seen that face before...
I follow her gaze... to the lake and I miss one breath...
Tears fall in the lines of my face...
I do not want to leave this feelings... I am home..
My breath is slow now... and it is healing myself...
"I am here to hold your hand... I am you and you are me!"
She says... I take her hand... The image changes...
I am back to the present... With a taste of hope and peace...
Love and understanding fill my body...
And the feeling of not being alone follows me
When I start walking again
In the woods of my past... and future!

Lessons can be learn when we are ready for them...
Most of the times the solution is right in front of our eyes
We cannot see it in the blindness of our fears and lack of confidence in ourselves...
The openess is not a easy step... but it is a option!
We all have options... and we all have it...

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Turn and turn... Go and back... Try and fail... Persistence and steps... Believe and find... Eventualy we made it!

And we move forward to...

Turn and turn... Go and back... Try and fail... Persistence and steps... Believe and find... We made it!

And all over again...

We made ourselves goals... to have a purpose... a dream... and the work to make it real and get there!

Where do people want to go? What are people always looking for? Why people suffer so much? Why do people hurt each others with words, emotionally and physically?

Why it is so hard to look inside ourselves? To look in the mirror? Recognize what we are and who we are... What are we afraid to see?

Fear is the word that everyone knows and think is not worth to be faced... What if we face it? And that way change our lives...

Turn and turn... Go and back... Try and fail... Persistence and steps... Believe and find...

This Photo was taken in Bryrup, in November 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

The mist in Avalon... Nothing can be seen...
One lonely swan waits for his mate in the lake...
The lake is lost in the mist... Only a white shadow can be seen...
All around is awakening... birds are coming out to the morning cold
Trees are losing their morning humity...
Such drops that fall right through our faces...
It is cold... but the heart is warm with wonder and expectation!
The old railtrail guide us to a destination...
A silence is upon us... our footsteps are quiet and gentle...
We join with them and them with us...
The mist starts to rise... the magic is still there...
With a promisse of a new day and learning...
We go back to our trail to the morning tasks
While the two swans together now fly crossing the lake
It is our turn to go... to new wisdom be channeled...
What awaits us we do not know...
We trust our mother to guide us
We trust our angels to take us
We trust the knights to lead
We trust in ourselves to be open
and to see a world of knowledge and wisdom
to see a world where the stories are not stories
and we are no more than possibilities!

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This photo was taken in Himmelbjerg, April 2009 by Mafalda Seguro


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Serene moments come and go...
Emotions suffer ups and downs...
Feelings mark one persons bones...
Memories will allways remain and be found..

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The view from top of a cliff where I stand
Allows the fool to dream... and the wise wonder...
The end is not near... while the beggining is so far away
Dreams... Wishes... Aspirations... Knowledge...
Love... Feelings... Memories... Emotions...
Cross my mind when I breath for the last time...
Jump... I jump... and open my arms to what is to come...
I open my eyes in wonder and in fear... still trusty...
I hear the cry of an eagle... beautiful sound filling my head...
Near... almost there...
The green under me blurs my eyes with its magesty
Mother Earth embraces me with her love...
Something is holding me back... my fall is slow now...
Deep down they await me... my return to their side...
My feet touchs the soft green tapestry... without harm...
A delicate smell takes over my senses... sweet and tender...
I am home...
I open my eyes... and they say to me:
"New begginings are harder than the jump... you are welcome to stay...
but soon... you have to go back to your journeying... to continue your life...
do not fear my child... you know the way to comeback when you feel like it...
afterall... this is your home...!"
I go back to where I came... sad for leaving...
I look the same... I feel the same... I know the same...
What I did not know... I was changed... a new seed was growing...!
When I awake from the dream... a new hope was growing too...

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"You are a strange little girl..."

The first time I heard this setence from my father, I was 7 years old. When he had caught me listening to classical music, opera, jazz, ethnic or tribal.
I was never the kind of person who would love and hear the same music has her peers...

Today? I am exactly the same person... I hear a little of everything, but these types of music are the ones who make me be what I am and make me complete.

With so many different people around the world, so many different cultures and systems, it still amazes me how music can unify nations. There are no boundaries or frontiers. The power of music really has an effect on everyone.

The sound of a piano... such a balad that touches hearts...
The sound of a guitar... with a passion of a lover...
The sound of a saxophone... with its singular beauty...
The sound of drums... with the pulse of life...
The sound of a flute... with an inocent wisdom...
The sound of pipes... whose magic allow the dream...
The sound of percussion... where dreams become alive...
The sound of a voice... where the real miracle happens...

What is music?
... I could go to a dictionary and just write it down what it says there... The point of the question is... What is music for each one of us... everyone has a different definition of it...

For me... music is life... be alive... heart... dreams... reality... hopes... truth... honesty... love... intention... hurt... hapyness... sadness... wind... sun... sea... waves... animals... trees... rocks... snow... rain...

Everywhere we are there is a a sound... there is music...

If we are in a metro station... we can hear the noise of people walking and talking, the sound of the metro stoping, ringing and speeding again...

If we are in a forest... the sound of the wind touching the trees... what a caress of time and unknown.. the birds flying and singing... a river runing...

In a park... children runing and laughing... happy to be playing with their friends... unaware of dangers and creating their own adventures...

In the top of a mountain... the silence... the solitude... the cry of an eagle... the strengh of the wind...

Someone playing in the street... people stop to listen, others just pass by pretending that they are not hearing anything...

The song of the sea... the beautiful and wonderful beings that live in it... they sing great songs... the song of the waves when they crash with the sand... seaguls, always aware with what is surrounding them...

Music... we can listen music even inside ourselves... music of life...

But I could answer with the best definition and few words, taken from a quotation of a movie, called August Rush, when he says:
"The music is all around us... all you have to do is listen!"

Close you eyes... take a deep breath...
The ancient and the new are with you
their eyes are magical
their souls are full of secrets and wisdom
their hearts are pure and simple
they only ask one thing...
to be heard... to be there for you...
they give all without expecting any return
and still do it with an open heart...
they have advices and explanations
an entire new world to be seen from their eyes...

Choose an animal...
One that you admire
try to feel as if you were him...
try to hear with his ears...
try to smell the air around you...
try to see through his eyes...
try to be him...
let him take control of you...
feel his instincts... fears... feelings... thoughts...
move yourself as him...

Open your eyes...
What are you?
Who are you?

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"Can I tell you a story?" She asked me

"Yes... you can... can you tell stories?" I smiled... She ignored me and started...

"I took many forms in my life before... But the one that I love the most is has a feline, especially has a cat.
Many many years ago... Even more than you can comprehend, I lived in Egypt... I was an important cat... Everyone listen to me and ask me advice for their daily life...
Not as these days! Humans do not stop to hear what we animals have to say... Only few of them actually bother to try it.

But, as I was saying... I lived in Egypt... I was asked to give advice many times! The cat in those days was sacred... it still is, but it is not the same anymore!

Each one of us had a task, a gift... we were worship and take cared for... We only answered to Bast.
I liked that life... people came to listen to us, of course only few could hear us, so to each one of us were given one or two people, depending on the hierarchy, that would be our voice to the ones that could not hear...

I lived in a difficult time... People were in war, there was hunger and poverty everywhere! I was called to the Pharaoh chambers who had heard about me, in that time I was living in another palace.

The Pharaoh wanted to know what could he do to change the situation of his country, his people was dying everyday, and he was worried... the villages were empty in a flash of days, with sickness and lack of care.
So he asked me what could he do to make a difference...

To know all the story, I should explain that he was young in the power, his soul was beauty and pure and he did care for his people, the problem was cause for his father ancestors, the war was his father only way of living also. He did not care with the people. He had died two months before, and the new Pharaoh now, his son, was asking me my advice...

I asked him, instead of answering, why his people was in war with their neighbours... He did not know how to answer, because when he was born the war was already happening...
The only thing I told him was to think about it and I left...

I was called back one week after... He said to me "I have though about your question... I looked and studied old papers, I gathered the ancient and wise ones and the parliament... and I could not find anything!"
There was a long moment of silence where I did not said anything...
"What should I do then?" He asked me for the second time...
Insted of answering I did him another question "What does you heart tell you?"
He did not answer and I went away...

We are patients, we have a wonderful capacity to wait and wait...

One more week passed and I was called again to the Pharaoh chambers... He said to me "I thought about your question... It is difficult to conciliate what my heart desires with politics... So I am still not knowing what to do... I mean, the logical thing is to ask my neighbour country to come for a meeting, with a peace offering, since no one can even remember what did happen before this started. But the politics say other things, because of this war we started to gain some priviledges and fame... we also lost many lives and our people is dying still if not with the war with the hunger..."
There were many minutes of silence... and when I realized that he was expecting me to say anything I asked another question "What are you going to do then?"
He was getting frustrated with me... In his way of thinking we were the wise ones, and we should be the ones to offer and solution... but after all... we are cats, and in our point of view everything is simple and clear... But his head was full of politics, and with this questions I was only making him realize of a solution... the solution was simple and he already knew it, but the problem was that he wanted to hear it from others, not from himself...
After some moments of silence I left the room..."

There was a moment of silence and I asked "That's it? That is you story? How does it end? What did the Farao did?"

She was looking at me with a sweet look, she came to me and asked me to cuddle her... I understood that she was hungry... I gave her food and she start eating it, while I waited for her to finish the story. When she was finished, she turned her back to me and went to sleep by the window!

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It has been a long time since I felt this emotion, of been alive like this! Doing something that I adore and could live for...

Their skin... their smell... their breath... their simplicity... their honesty... it is heatbreaking... I was lost without knowing...

Can a person be lost without knowing? Can we say that we found our way just because of a raced heart beat? That is what happyness, living for and love without measurement means... When this situation happens you just do it without thinking... because you always knew how and because your heart and soul scream for the opportunity of being whole again...

Did you find it already? The thing(s) for what your heart craves for? The thing(s) that connects you to the center of your being and to all that is around you?

The feeling cannot be explained with words... The words will take away the truth and essence of it...

The sky has no limits...
The earth is our mother...
The dreams can become true...
And what your soul needs will come when you least expect... giving you strenght, courage and confidence to what will come...
Open your heart... hear it... and be there when it is time to open your eyes and see...
Where would I go if I do not know the way?
But I know it... so... why can I not feel it...
Who will lead the way?
I hear whispers in the night...
I hear voices inside my head...
What it is true and what is not?
They are here... fighting for something they believe...
Something I thought was long gone...
And something that some belive that never existed
and still it is all around... in the mist and shadows...
in the wheel of time... the words remain... now and forever!

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Beautiful day today... Sunday! What to do?
The sun is shining, it is a warm day, reasonable warm...
Few people are outside, the silence in the air ir relaxing...
The smell of trees, soil and autumm take over our senses...
Take a cup of coffee or tea... I sit in the balcony in front of a wonderful willow... and we share stories, ideas, worries and wishes...
But the sun is shinning... we have few of theses days... we should enjoy and live it!
I say goodbye to my friend willow, take my bicycle and follow the calling of the sea!

A great sunday to everyone!

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro


This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

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If you do not understand something in your life, it does not matter what others say... you are still confused... You can turn to others, but the answers are not with them... are in you!!!

Faith is the key... Open Heart is the ingredient... Honesty and Simplicity are the art... Trust in the universe is the choice... Love is the gift...

Mix them and move foward... seeds will grow and soon we are able to harvest our own dreams and wishes...

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

This photo was taken in May 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

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This photo was taken in Silkeborg, Bunkermuseum, September 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

Little things... Small things...
Important things... Unnecessary things...

The leaf was waiting... it is the best time of the season in her opinion... when the green gives place to orange, red, brown and yellow... Million of colours are scattered in the floor, as a carpet of dreams...

Big things... Huge things...
Confused things... Certain things...

The bird looks to the leaf... he knows for sure that soon... when she is ready... she will break... she will stop being one or two, to be one among many... the sun is giving place to the night... is the best time of the day in his opinion... he prepares to fly...

Another things... Many things...
What things...? These things...?

The squirrel looks to the bird... he knows that the bird is amazed with the leaf... and sad... The last leaf is going away from his favorite tree, his nest is empty, and he goes find another tree in another place... The squirrel turns is back to the last image of them... and goes inside the tree where he has food for the entire winter...

Happy things... Sad things...
Circle things... Love things...

The man is siting in the same place at the same time... he thinks about his life... his problems... his opportunities...
He looks to the squirrel... that looks to the bird... that looks to the leaf...
The squirrel hides himself in the tree... the man smilles... gets up and goes away...
He did not notice where the squirrel was looking... He did not notice the turn of the wheel...

The leaf breaks... and fell...
The bird sings... and fly!

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It is wonderful how people join together for a cause. It is unbelievable how sometimes people from different cultures have the same beliefs and are united for the same result.

We are social beings, we are not alone. We live in groups, we are part of groups, such as family, friends, co-workers, and we share values, behaviours, etc.

We are also spiritual beings... But not everyone thinks about himself that way. But there are those who are very much counscious about their spirituality. And with this consciousness we start to see the world with other eyes, there are no cultures, no religions, we are all the same. Everyone suffer, everyone has feelings, love, hurt, give, receive, share, etc... Each one of us is the same has the other. That is what is told to us while we grow up, at least in some families, that is what we learn in some schools, we learn to cherish others, respect them and especially accept differences.

It is possible to look at another person and see her like ourselves, a human being. It is what we are, the same... we are part of this whole world... we have this in common, does it stop there? Some may think that yes, others think the opposite.

So why? Why people who is fighting for the same goal start fighting each other? Yes, yes, no one is perfect... Yes, yes, we do not live in a fairy tales... Yes, yes, we think differently... Yes, yes, they were not what I thought they were...
I say... Yes, yes, these are just excuses to an easy way out... to defend something inside us that we think is in danger, we act as an impulse... just to defend our ego.
Why on earth we do that? It is curious... Are there really differences? Or just misunderstanding? Are there really incompatibilities? Or just lack of comprehension? Or lack of trying?

This is a story:
Once upon a time... there was a group of people, from different countries. They were together in a cause, where it didn't matter where they came from, or their religion or culture. Because they were together in something that they believed. They defend one and another... everytime one of them had a problem the other was there, without judging, giving his shoulder, understanding and loving.
This group worked well together. Because they did not care about judgments, expectations or prejudice. Their hearts were high... they knew that no matter where they came from or no matter what they believed, they could work together, they were the same, respecting and loving others.
One day there is a problem in the country of one of them... The person from that country got sad and ashamed with what he saw and what his country did, but he had no action on it. The others acted as if nothing happened...

Another story:
Once upon a time... there were a group of people, from different countries. They were together in a cause, each one of them came from different cultures and religions. They were working together, and they did a great deal out of it! They were a great team, because they believed in what they were working.
One day there is a problem in the country of one of them... So the others start to look at him in his back... evaluating him, if he was like those people, because it was his country after all. They judge him, ignoring the fact that were working with him for a long time now, and he was their pal, someone they trust. They started to be suspicious of him...

We can figure the end of each story... Are they fictional? Have they some reality on it? I think so... it is up to us, once again, to choose how it will be our story... to choose the way we react... It is up to us... And that choice makes all the difference!!!

This video is from:

We look to the universe and we wonder how beautiful it is, and then we look to our planet earth, and we are proud of it for been part of such a wonderful universe... but then, we see it closely... There are many things to be proud of... and many more to be sorry for...!!!

This photo was taken in Viborg, October 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

A whisper in the cold air
A soft warmth from the earth
A promisse of protection from the water
And a heart in the shore admires all by the fire...

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"Is it true?" The other man asks
"Well depends on what you want to believe..."
"But... can I see it?"
"Can you?" and gave a step back to let him see.
The other man looked and smiled. The corners of his mouth almost reached his ears! "I can see it alright!"
So he went away. When he was crossing the door to go outside the other man grabbed his arm to stop him.
"You do not need to go away! There is plenty of room for you and food... " He pleaded
But he just looked at him with  happy eyes. Turned his back and crossed the door. When the other man went after him outside he could not see him anymore.
"You already have what you need! Be happy, proud, truthful, honest and loving... and you will always find what you are looking for! And besides I am just a shadow... You know where to find my real self again"
Still in the door, the other man let one tear fall, but he was not sad! Insted of one gift he had received two gifts... and none of them could be measured. He looked up to the sky to see it blue, for the first time in months, the sun was shinning... and shadows... oh shadows were all over the place! He smiled and said "thank you!" And then went inside again where the young and the old were waiting to meet him!

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Everyone was there to see the Jelling Stones (rune stones)... They are beautiful and impressive!

This photo was taken in Jelling, October 2009 by Mafalda Seguro

But I was drawn to the tree behind... beautiful spirit tree!!!

This photo was taken in Jelling, October 2009, by Mafalda Seguro

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Today, after some conversations about how others influence our life and how we would like that someone would react or act differently, I end up thinking about something.

Others cannot change ourselves as much as each one of us cannot change others.

The funny is, we like to act as Gods, trying with everything that we can remember change others, with talks, arguing, acts, options, etc. But when someone tries to do that with ourselves we just came up with a: "woa, back off!"
So, what give us the right to do it?

Someone wise said this to me: "The world around us will change when each one of us changes! But... But it has to start with the self!"

We can be someone role model, but that is it. It is up to each one of us the change. Until we accept that... well, that it is the greatest growing... accept others as they are, and if we love them that much, give them the space and time to feel it themselves, and not push them when they are not ready to change yet...

That reminds me a butterfly... She only comes out when she is ready to live it! And then... It is gracious!
Happy celebrations!
Today is a good day!
Today is the first day of many
Today is another beggining
the wheel is turning once more
our hearts are high in expectation
The road ahead of us it is not clear
stand up, heads up and walk high
keep going to the light of the unknown
and smile to the start of a new day.
Green pastures lost in sight
Blue sky with no end
Clouds are in the mist of the horizon
And I? Just stayed there...
Looking for and not finding
And waited... waited...
Until he came, and sat...
So much love, so much promise
One look said it all
No words were necessary
My breath was lost in the moment
A moment that would last forever
All around us was a prayer
A prayer of love and hope
A prayer of sorrow and remembrance
I close my eyes and took a long breath
When I opened them I was lost...
The pastures were dry
The sky was dark
The clouds were tormented
And you... you were gone...
I stayed there remembering
What one day was and will not ever be
And still I feel you in my dreams
When I am awake you follow me
I hear you in my thoughts
You are my torment and my salvation
Without you I am half
With you I am insane
I should let you go
But the world without your whisper
Is an unimaginable pain...
And here I am again...
Waiting for you to come...
I cannot hear when they say
That you were gone long time ago...
To never return again...

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Halloween/ Samhuinn is coming!!!

Uau... many are the celebrations for this time of the year! A beautiful and wonderful time of  the year! People go out to the streets to celebrate! Celebrate what?

From October 31st until November 2nd, the doors to the otherworld are open! Which means that whatever belief you may have, it is time to celebrate life and death. We all join in prayers for the ones that are not in this physical world anymore. With this time there is a hope of been together again with our loved in the form of celebrations and prayers.

October 31th is the All-Hallows Day
November 1st is the All-Saints Day
November 2nd is the All Souls Day

These three days are an important mark in our history traditions as human beings. It is also said that it is the end of a year to a new year, a time of transition, because it marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter, the end of harvests. The days will begin to be shorter, as we stay more in the warm of our houses than outside.

Let us celebrate life and death. Let us say our last year goodbye to summer and welcome winter.

What can we do then? Besides the streets costumes and celebrations?
- Have a family gathering and realize and appreciate what your family is to you
- Throw away what you think you will not use anymore
- Dance like if no one was looking
- Cook something different and new to you
- Be creative and try to feel what would you like to do differently from what you already do. Just do it!

It is in little things that we are what we are..
It is in actions that we show ourselves
It is in words and actions that we change situations
It is in ideas that we develop
But it is in loving, caring and giving that we change lifes

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I hear the anguish cry of an eagle
a cry full of pain and sorrow
a powerfull farewell to the one she loved

I hear the strong hoofs of a horse
he runs without fear and destiny
courage and freedom he will seek

I hear the magical song of a whale
deep down in the caverns of the ocean
where truth and magic will be found

I hear a seal sing about love and beauty
a world untouched by cruelty and fear
a lost promisse to a hungry heart

I hear the call of a blackbird
who lives in the gateway to the otherworld
an enchanted life to be dreamed

I hear the awareness of an owl
who is the guardian of the night
longing to share wisdom and vision

I hear their unanswered prayer
to a world lost in faith
to a world that forgot how to hear.

In memorial... of a soul who heard...

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This photo was taken in Himmelbjerg, April 2009 by Mafalda Seguro

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There I was, in the middle of a forest... It was dark, the sky was full of stars and the moon was light and full. 

My breath was fast, my eyes wanted to pop up from my face and tears started to fall... You see, I am afraid of the dark, and there I was, in the middle of a forest that I did not know, with all the noises... Noises that I love from the day time and were different now, as if the forest was more alive, more alert and chasing after me...

I ran... Where to go? I had no idea... I did not even remember how I get there... I just wanted to find something or someone that could help me or guide me.

I ran and kept running, but there was nowhere to go... as far I could tell maybe I was going into the heart of the forest instead of finding a way out... But I just ran... and ran... Until I stopped...

I could not run anymore, my heart was poundering and my breath was hard and heavy. Tears kept going... In that moment I could not do more... and tears seemed to calm me down... I took control of my breath, slow and rythmic... 

Then... after I do not know how long I oppened my eyes and looked around... 

I was on my knees... My clothes were ruined with the run and the brambles... My arm was hurting, maybe I hit it while I ran... but I did not remember...

As I looked, shapes started to come to my mind... shadows that moved at the same ritm as my heart... These shadows were hidding in the trees, behind big rocks... where was I? How to find my way?

"You already found it..."
I turned to the sound... where? who?
"Who is there?" I was scared... That is why I always take a light with me... Why could not I find the light? There were sounds... someone was moving... I was not alone...
"WHO IS THERE?" I could not control it... I was in hysteria... The trees were coming close now... or were the shadows? I felt dizzy... I let myself down... If they come they would... There was nothing that I could do now... I could not run, they would come after me...
"You should not be scared... we do not want you harmed"
"Who is there???" Silence again... but I kept asking...
"Who is there?" More silence, except sounds of someone or something moving... "please..." I was so tired and scared... 

I let me cuddle and wrap myself in fetus position... I could do no more... My eyes started to close against my will... sounds I heard and my eyes popped oppen again... Until the tiredness took over me... before I went to sleep I just realized how quiet the forest was... the sounds that I thought terrifying were only the sounds of the trees and the wind... I kept hearing the other sound, of someone there, and it was coming close, but I did not open my eyes... If I could not see it would not be real...

That it is what I thought, but even with my eyes closed I saw him coming... I saw him looking at me... those yellow bright eyes, fixed in mine... they had a question but I did not want to understand it... until I was forced to... and all that was built inside me, all that I had learn, was destroyed with that look... a look that I could not let go... and I felt him again... when he layed down next to me, with his warm body... I was cold... the warm was welcome, but even next to me he was far... I could feel him but we were not touching... I took a deep breath and went against his body... only then I let myself open my eyes... He was beautifull... The exaustion took over me and I soon fell asleep... With the warm body in this cold night next to me...

When I woke up in the early morning, the sun had rise not long before... I was still warm... and I was still in the forest... but when I got up I saw no sign of the phanter...

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I have two dreams...

It is usual of a person to imagine how her life will be, or at least how she would like it to be. We have many and many dreams... It is healthy, it is what makes us real... How would it be if we lived without dreaming?

Dreams are an area still unknown to us. It is our subconsious? It is what it will happen some day, like a predition? Something that we are crossing in our live but we dream it as with another meaning? Warnings?  Something that already happened that we expected that would end in other way?
I believe that all the above are possible and true... Proofs? I do not have them...
The best thing these days is that you can believe in whatever you want if that makes you happy and healthy.

But going back to the dreams... I have two dreams...
Everyday we try to see how our life will be in the next 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, 30 days, 6 months, 5 years, 15 years and so on. And in all this time we imagine/dream about it in several contexts such as family, love, work, friendships or relationships related.
The point is, our head is allways ahed of what we are doing, trying to predict the outcome of our actions and choices. It was the right choice? Maybe if I had done the other way I would not have lost the bus. Or if I had arrived to work later I would not get the promotion. If I had waited more five minutes I would have reach him. And so on...
In our life we use many times the word IF... IF this... If that... If... It can be an excuse, or a way to run from the reality of circunstances, or just the curiosity of another choice or action. The thing is... IF is an important word, it help us to construct realities and options. It can also destroy us... We walk in a thin line with the IF... and we could stay here hours debating about it and never end with it.

But again... I am runing from the dream... I have two dreams...
It is really great when we dream about something that turn our world upside down, in a good way... when we wake up we feel like if we were the king of the world, and we have this smile on our faces hard to take.
And them we have these dreams that are scary, sad or just unconfortable... they really reach our ego, ideas or feelings. They can crash our head in a way that we do not do anything productive besides thinking about it and what did it meant... These ones are hard to chue...
That makes me wonder again, what if... and here we have an if again... but, what if our daily moods are also based with what we dream? It is proved that we dream during an entire night, and most of the time we do not remember any of it. But what we know is if we have a good dream we wake up in a good mood, and if we have a bad dream we wake up in a terrible mood...
But we do not remember our dreams, it is wise to idealize that if we wake up in a good mood we had a good dream and if we had a bod dream we wake up in a bad mood?
So... here is also something to think about... Makes sense in a way... In the other hand it is completly crazy and with no sense at all... But it is just a thought, just an idea, among many others...

Where was I? Ah right... I have two dreams...
It makes sense in a way... supposedly the sleep is a process of rest, where our subconscious takes over our conscious... our body recovers... what we have learnt during the day will be processed... so on... so why do we wake up with moods? Are actually dreams the cause of it? Of course are not just dreams, but maybe they may be part of it.

But I am out of place again... I have two dreams...
And I do not know which one to follow...
It is hard to decide... Is it possible that I could follow them both? Will the outcome be that different? Will I scatter all?
This is the worst situation... When we have a future IF... If I choose one way... And if I choose the other way... But if I choose one the other will or will not...

Like I was saying... I have two dreams...
Do not have we all???

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