What tomorrow will bring...
In the arms of an angel we seek
What we lost and loved
In the arms of an angel we dream
About clouds and light
In the arms of an angel we hope
That we will fix what is broken
In the arms of an angel we cry
and give voice to what we cannot say out loud
In the ilusion we believe in a world
In the reality the suffering is there and cannot be shut
I seek, I dream, I hope and I cry
for words not said
for feelings that are breaking my heart
for pieces shattered by pain
for something that may not be there anymore
for something that will always be the other half...
What we seek, dream, hope and cry for...
Is as real as the sunshine
There is nothing that can break it
but still... the pain is learning
the pain is a growing of souls and spirit
the pain is what is needed to understand
that a half is always part of a whole
and the whole is one... even if broken!