"Look to the trees!"
"What is in the trees? They are naked... With no leaves..."
"Look closer! They are growing... There is greens, and whites, and reds, and..."
"I can't do this now, we have to keep walking, to the highest point."
"What is the point of going, if you are not seeing? Is almost the same as if you were doing nothing... Sometimes you are boring..."
"I am exercicing... It is hard to climb..."
"Is not that high... And if you don't see the beauty around you... Why does it matter if you are in shape or not?"
"What happens if I don't see it? The others are in the top already..."
"So? I just wanted to see the colours..."
In the top they see a big lake. In the lake there is a boat sailing...
"Look the boat!"
"Look the wind... and the magic around you..."
"Yes, but the people inside the boat must be having a good time, in complete solitude and relaxing..."
"So you can do it also... You are in the top, and now you are dreaming how it would be if you were down? You don't ever have a rest do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Let's just put a leg up for example..." and the leg goes up.
"What is the point? Everyone is looking at us... Stop with that..."
"Yes! They are looking at us, but they are smilling, they are looking to a woman putting a leg up just for fun, and they are happy about it..."
And she looks... and realizes that is true...
"Let's go to the swing... I miss it... Remember when we swing some years back?"
"I do remember... I was very happy in that time..."
"Why aren't you now?"
"I am happy now, but we grew up, and things are not so simple anymore..."
"Yes they are... Come with me... let's swing... and swing... up and down... push... close your eyes and feel the wind... and the sounds... and yourself..."
And she does it... She is smiling in the beggining, and then she is laughing... With her eyes closed she trusts and enjoys the moment! When she opens her eyes, everyone is laughing with her...
"Life can be simple if you close your eyes and let go, when you open them again you can see the world around you differently... but the difference is in you only and in the way you want to look at it! And then it is contagious..."