In the woods from my past I see the shadows
Looking to the trees in the dark they seem diferent
At the door I wait until no one is looking
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
Courageous I go, but terrified I cannot see it
My body shakes with strong strikes
My head hurts and my heart drums trying to get free
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I hear whisperers in my ear
They want me to believe that I cannot follow
That I will never be worth it and will fail...
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I ran now, and do not look back
the darkness is all around me
swallowing my deepest wishes and dreams
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
"Can you see it now?" a voice in my head says
far far away I see a light, so weak that it seems an ilusion
I will follow it, with the rest of my strenght
I fell many times and the light fails...
I can still see it but the distance is impossible to trace
"Where are you to hold my hand?"
I stand and look around
I am alone... even the voice was gone...
I will surrender to the emptiness of my being...
or continue running until I get lost and mad...
They all abandon me... Or it was me that turn away?
In the woods of my past I stand...
I look inside myself and see it
I can see the weakness and fails...
I can see the fear and desolation...
I can see shadows and loneliness...
And deep down I can see that there is more to be seen
I look inside myself and see it again
In the woods od my past I learn...
I can see love and friendship...
I can see courage and strenght...
I can see dreams and wishes...
I can see caring and purpose...
I can see wisdom and history..
I can see forgiveness and tenderness...
A girl stands there... with her back on me...
The sun is shining and the sky is clear...
birds sing around us and the water has a healing sound
She stands near the lake, where she is looking to the water
Such a mirror showing her stories... my story...
Her white dress only has a little blue ribon around her waist
The flower colar in her head was given by the hearth ones
One step and another and I am right next to her
She is not strange to me... I have seen that face before...
I follow her gaze... to the lake and I miss one breath...
Tears fall in the lines of my face...
I do not want to leave this feelings... I am home..
My breath is slow now... and it is healing myself...
"I am here to hold your hand... I am you and you are me!"
She says... I take her hand... The image changes...
I am back to the present... With a taste of hope and peace...
Love and understanding fill my body...
And the feeling of not being alone follows me
When I start walking again
In the woods of my past... and future!
Lessons can be learn when we are ready for them...
Most of the times the solution is right in front of our eyes
We cannot see it in the blindness of our fears and lack of confidence in ourselves...
The openess is not a easy step... but it is a option!
We all have options... and we all have it...

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Creative Commons Licence.