"Can I tell you a story?" She asked me
"Yes... you can... can you tell stories?" I smiled... She ignored me and started...
"I took many forms in my life before... But the one that I love the most is has a feline, especially has a cat.
Many many years ago... Even more than you can comprehend, I lived in Egypt... I was an important cat... Everyone listen to me and ask me advice for their daily life...
Not as these days! Humans do not stop to hear what we animals have to say... Only few of them actually bother to try it.
But, as I was saying... I lived in Egypt... I was asked to give advice many times! The cat in those days was sacred... it still is, but it is not the same anymore!
Each one of us had a task, a gift... we were worship and take cared for... We only answered to Bast.
I liked that life... people came to listen to us, of course only few could hear us, so to each one of us were given one or two people, depending on the hierarchy, that would be our voice to the ones that could not hear...
I lived in a difficult time... People were in war, there was hunger and poverty everywhere! I was called to the Pharaoh chambers who had heard about me, in that time I was living in another palace.
The Pharaoh wanted to know what could he do to change the situation of his country, his people was dying everyday, and he was worried... the villages were empty in a flash of days, with sickness and lack of care.
So he asked me what could he do to make a difference...
To know all the story, I should explain that he was young in the power, his soul was beauty and pure and he did care for his people, the problem was cause for his father ancestors, the war was his father only way of living also. He did not care with the people. He had died two months before, and the new Pharaoh now, his son, was asking me my advice...
I asked him, instead of answering, why his people was in war with their neighbours... He did not know how to answer, because when he was born the war was already happening...
The only thing I told him was to think about it and I left...
I was called back one week after... He said to me "I have though about your question... I looked and studied old papers, I gathered the ancient and wise ones and the parliament... and I could not find anything!"
There was a long moment of silence where I did not said anything...
"What should I do then?" He asked me for the second time...
Insted of answering I did him another question "What does you heart tell you?"
He did not answer and I went away...
We are patients, we have a wonderful capacity to wait and wait...
One more week passed and I was called again to the Pharaoh chambers... He said to me "I thought about your question... It is difficult to conciliate what my heart desires with politics... So I am still not knowing what to do... I mean, the logical thing is to ask my neighbour country to come for a meeting, with a peace offering, since no one can even remember what did happen before this started. But the politics say other things, because of this war we started to gain some priviledges and fame... we also lost many lives and our people is dying still if not with the war with the hunger..."
There were many minutes of silence... and when I realized that he was expecting me to say anything I asked another question "What are you going to do then?"
He was getting frustrated with me... In his way of thinking we were the wise ones, and we should be the ones to offer and solution... but after all... we are cats, and in our point of view everything is simple and clear... But his head was full of politics, and with this questions I was only making him realize of a solution... the solution was simple and he already knew it, but the problem was that he wanted to hear it from others, not from himself...
After some moments of silence I left the room..."
There was a moment of silence and I asked "That's it? That is you story? How does it end? What did the Farao did?"
She was looking at me with a sweet look, she came to me and asked me to cuddle her... I understood that she was hungry... I gave her food and she start eating it, while I waited for her to finish the story. When she was finished, she turned her back to me and went to sleep by the window!

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